Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Intelligence Review: How Secrecy is being used to fleece US taxpayers in Drone Strikes (Drone Scam in Ningrahar-Part One) .pdf descargar Agha H Amin

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THE BOOK IS IN ENGLISH BUT DUE TO SOME UNKNOWN ERROR WRITTEN AS IN CATALAN. Taking US Tax payer for a ride in Ningrahar In 2009-2015 a simple way of making big bucks and ripping off US taxpayers was conceived ! Drones Strikes ! The claim was that US soldiers were expensive and drones were cheap. Thus a US site claimed that a US soldier deployed in Afghanistan costs 2.1 Million USD per year. Now this is absolute CRAP LOGIC ! First why employ US soldiers ? Why not Afghan soldiers under US overall supervision . An Afghan soldier with an AK 47 and food/salary costs rpughly 16,000 USD per annum so 131 Afghan Soldiers , roughly an Infantry company can be deployed in cost of a US soldier and do a better job than a US drone which acts on dubious and questionable data and is not as tactically effective as 131 soldiers who are deployed on ground. Plus the political good will created by creating 131 jobs . But the sore point is that a huge company that can grease the palms of the right people in CIA or in US polititical hierarchy to buy a.
libro Intelligence Review: How Secrecy is being used to fleece US taxpayers in Drone Strikes (Drone Scam in Ningrahar-Part One) pdf
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